2022-2023 Trail Infrastructure Updates
This off-season we had one major bridge rebuild, with 3 other minor bridge repairs.
Rebuilt a ~35ft bridge between Eddy and Ward Rd on trail C4A.

Added railings to one of the gas-line bridges that was rebuilt last season on trail S47A (Heading south towards Boston)

2021-2022 Trail Infrastructure Updates
Bridge Updates:
This offseason we have managed to update 5 bridges across the trail system. 1 Bridge was a new build on a new section of trail, and the other 4 were re-builds with fresh decking, and in some instances, new supports. Check out the pictures below!
Robert Caldwell Memorial Bridge:
On C4A along Heinrich Rd between N. Boston Rd and Boston-State (Rt. 391)

Bridge done in honor of a long-time supporter of the club, Mr. Robert Caldwell

Bridge done in honor of a long-time supporter of the club, Mr. Robert Caldwell
2 In-line off of Gasline:
On S47A, just off of the gas-line, these 2 bridges were very old single wide bridges that run one after another. They have been widened to accommodate 2 way traffic.

New Bridge near R.R Tracks:
This is a new bridge on a re-route off of Hitcox Rd. We needed to cross a small creek which runs along the Railroad tracks in this area.

New Bridge on re-route

New Bridge on re-route
Zenner Rd:
This bridge was in need of repair after it was found to have most of the old decking boards broken in half. This is more of a raised deck to get through a known wet spot as it is not off of the ground much at all, and only spans about 10-12 feet.
Repaired some boards on 2 bridges between North Boston Rd and RT. 75 on trail S41A (Previously Known as C4H)